A prayer list as we approach the end of another year

 The wind down of 2021 seems like a good time to consider what, when, and who we are thankful for this year. The apostle Paul has very clear and strong directions concerning gratitude. First, he tells us to give thanks in everything for this is God’s will. Then he opens his second letter to the same group of believers with this line: “We ought always to give thanks to God for you.” The apostle Paul is pretty inclusive when it comes to prayer: n everything and now for every believer.

Thanks for each other

Paul continues with a few reasons why we are to give thanks for each other in the faith. First, because it is the right thing to do. If that isn’t enough, then add that we pray for each other because our faith is growing abundantly. According to Paul the evidence of our faith expanding is that our love for each other is also expanding. Faith and love are deeply connected.

Encourage each other

The apostle gives us a good example of something else we could and frankly should be doing for each other: offer some holy boasting, which I think might be considered encouragement. Paul’s boast about the Thessalonians was directly related to how they were holding up, enduring even in a season of persecution and while suffering afflictions.

I suspect if you take a moment right now and say a prayer asking God to provide the name of someone who needs encouragement, someone would come to mind. And if not immediately, it will happen the next time you are at church or work or even in the grocery store and you remember or see the person going through a tough time. Be faithful in prayer and be a faithful encourager!

Pray for each other

As Paul wraps up this section urging us to be faithful in prayer, he gives some very specific things we should pray:

1) Pray that God may make you worthy of his calling. Only God can make us worthy, of course, but apparently our prayers for others need not only to address our worthiness but also to clarify our calling.
2) Pray that God may fulfill every resolve for good. Our prayers will not only bring fulfillment of the mission God has; they will also bring resolve in others’ spirits to do good. That’s powerful stuff.
3) Pray that every work of faith is accomplished by the power of Christ. What we accomplish through our faith happens not by our power but by Christ’s power in us.
4) Finally, pray that the name of the Lord Jesus may be glorified in those we pray for each day.

So take a minute and think of the people around you who have blessed you, encouraged you, and frankly need you to pray for them as the year ends and new challenges and opportunities emerge.

Your time with God’s Word
2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1:3-4, 11-12‬ ‭ESV

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A goal for the new year: Extend God’s praise to the next generation


He is here and not yet here. We are there and not yet there