Read what others are saying about DeanCollins.co.


President, Bragging Rights Public Relations

My husband and I look forward to Dean's devotionals every day.  When I rise extra-early, I find myself anticipating and counting the minutes until daily 6 a.m. posting, confident that God is going to touch my heart and sharpen my mind for the day.  Each of Dean's writings are relevant, Biblically sound, and highly "sharable" with business colleagues, friends, and family—believers and nonbelievers alike. Once someone experiences one of Dean's daily devotions, they always want to sign up to receive them daily. For a number of years, I had the privilege of being in a Bible study with Atlanta business leaders led by Dean. His deep knowledge and intelligent application of the Word are unique and all too rare these days. I'm so grateful for his commitment to daily sharing his passion for and practical application of God's Word with all of us!


Chairman, NewWater Ministries

Dean Collins is a great communicator. He serves with me on the board of directors for New Water Ministry. All of our board members have subscribed to his daily devotions for the past couple of years. Every director to a person has commented on the providential way these writings have brought us the exact Scripture reference or encouragement we needed at a particular time in a given situation. Each devotion is built around a Scripture passage discussed in a very meaningful, succinct, yet pointed way. For me personally it has been great for this inspirational devotion to show up in my inbox every morning...


As a surgeon, my Monday through Friday starts early. Fortunately Dean posts his devotional writings first thing in the morning. As patients are being prepped for the operating room, the Scripture reference and commentary come to my inbox at a strategic time each day. Frequently it applies to something I am walking through in that moment. I am very grateful for his gift of communication and encouragement.


Chief Executive Officer, CWB Enterprises

Dean’s devotionals have inspired and at the same time challenged me.  He’s a gifted Bible teacher and storyteller who shares lessons learned with transparency.


Executive Pastor of Ministry Development, New Hope Baptist Church

Wouldn’t it be great if each morning you could sit down with a trusted friend for encouragement and inspiration? Well, you can. Over the last few years, my friend Dean Collins has been providing me a daily moment of insightful instruction and reflection that helps my day get going in the right direction. These daily devotional conversations are honest and transparent, providing sound Biblical teaching and counsel. I believe Dean’s authentic and relevant insights into God’s Word will provide the same benefit to you.