Be Still and Watch: Letting God Work in Our Lives
By Dean Collins
I would like to think I would do better than the people of Israel did when they fled Egypt, but I suspect I might have had the same reaction they did when they saw Pharaoh’s chariots approaching.
Do you remember how the children of Israel reacted? Exodus 14 tells us that as they saw the Egyptians approaching, they feared greatly. On one hand, we can’t fault them. It seems completely rational that if an army is approaching with good technology and you have no weapons or time to prepare for battle and your ranks include the elderly and lots of children, then you have reason for concern.
What the children of Israel had quickly forgotten was that they did not originate their escape. And while Moses was the leader, neither did Moses. Their path to freedom came at the initiative and by the power of God. And when God is in control, then things will often not look completely rational.
Some days it may seem that the problems or deadlines are approaching quickly. The faster they come, the bigger and more frightening they appear. Maybe we need to follow the advice that Moses gave the children of Israel:
Fear not.
Stand firm.
See the salvation of the Lord.
Watch the work the Lord does for you.
Be silent.
The Bible is filled with reminders that God is fully aware of our needs. His wisdom, power, and love for us are unmatched. The scriptures tell us frequently that we do not have to fear, no matter the size of the problems we face. In the situation God’s children were faced with, the Egyptians in fast pursuit, they did not remember that God was right in the middle of their ultimate rescue. What they needed was exactly the instructions that Moses delivered from God: fear not, stand firm, and watch what God will do.
Most of us are not very good at being still and quiet and letting God work his plans in our lives. Our tendency is to think that God needs our help, but the truth is that God doesn’t need anything from us. He is fully capable of taking care of us and meeting our needs. The amazing thing is that when we surrender our lives to God through our trust in Jesus, God invites us into a partnership where he allows us to participate in his master plan of the restoration and renewal of all things through Christ.
Maybe today is a perfect day to stop trying to fix it. Today is a good day to take a few minutes and be still before the Lord and allow him to work his perfect plan in us and for us.
Moses gave the children a similar word before they entered the Promised Land. It is a good one for us to claim today as well: “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Father, we confess that we often react in fear as we face various trials in our lives. Increase our faith that we might fully lean on you to rescue us and to meet our every need. Thank you for calling us to yourself through Jesus. Today we will be still and watch what you will do as we wait for your perfect plan to be revealed. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your Time with God’s Word
Exodus 14:10-18, 30-31; Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV
Photo by Oliver Sjöström:
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