Because his birth was just a beginning, our work must carry on

By Dean Collins

Did something go wrong with Christmas? Even with all of the advanced preparations, was it something in the kitchen that didn’t come out as the recipe indicated? Was it that perfect gift you found and ordered in plenty of time but the supply chain faltered and now it is back-ordered? These are just examples of what most of us already knew and understood: Life sometimes just doesn’t work out as we planned.

What happened?

But did something actually go wrong with Christmas? Not with our Christmas gathering but with Christmas? Are the injustices around us in nearly every area evidence that God’s plan didn’t work out? The last two verses of Psalm 140 assure that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted and will execute justice for the needy, so what happened?

The prophets set the expectations in numerous passages. When the Promised One came, things would get better for the Jewish people. Especially the poor and needy would experience a different reality. By the time Jesus arrived on earth, there were growing expectations of what the Anointed One would do and accomplish. Even as Jesus began his ministry, many (including some of his disciples) thought the kingdom Jesus was establishing would be more visible and put existing power structures in their proper place.

The day after Christ was born and the day after his resurrection looked about the same for most people. Yes, Jesus said, “It is finished“ before he died. It was and it is finished. Christ made the payment for all sins for all time providing a way for our restoration with God and securing our eternal future. But a careful reading of the rest of the New Testament reminds us that we now live in the last days waiting for the final arrival of Jesus.

Not finished!

Everything the prophets declared and that Jesus confirmed during his ministry and by his death and resurrection is true. The kingdom of God is advancing in these last days. But until Christ returns we are his ambassadors. It is his work through us that is not finished. It is our allegiance to King Jesus that changes how people are treated. It is the work of our hands empowered by God’s Spirit that does justice and loves mercy as we walk humbly.

In 1 Thessalonians Paul confirms how the resurrection of our loved ones will take place. Paul gives us a snapshot of what happens when Christ returns. But when he wrote 2 Thessalonians he told us not to be idle while we wait. Why? Because we have the work of Christ to do while we are still on earth.

Nothing went wrong with Christmas. Christ’s birth started what Christ finished on the cross but also initiated our job description and duties until he returns and restores all things. So be of good cheer and continue your Christmas celebration. Jesus himself has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope through grace. This is why we can be encouraged as we allow him to comfort our hearts and establish them in every good work and word.

Your time with God’s Word
Psalm‬ ‭140:1-13‬; ‭‭1 Thessalonians 4: 9-18; ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:16-17‬; ‭3:1-13, 16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Photo by Ruffa Jane Reyes on Unsplash

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He is here and not yet here. We are there and not yet there


Know that God is still with you, even two days after Christmas