God's Wisdom: A Guide for Disciples from Proverbs and James

There are many themes in Proverbs that run parallel to the powerful little book of James. Both of these books offer clear and direct action steps that we can follow as disciples, and both place emphasis on the wisdom that comes from God. Solomon and James agree that God’s wisdom is better than the wisdom of man and the results of applying God’s wisdom always leads to long term, even eternal, results.

Over the years, I have observed that usually there is consensus concerning individuals who are known to possess wisdom. In every case, those people are also known to have outstanding character. Their wisdom aligns with their behavior.

In James 3:18 we read this question: “Who is wise and understanding among you?” Go ahead and take a minute to answer this question. Who is it that you know to be wise and understanding? I suspect three things are true about the person you think of: 1) they are kind, maybe even generous, towards others, 2) they are good listeners, and 3) their egos are in check, or in other words, they aren’t prone to brag about their accomplishments.

James answered his own question by saying that the ones we know as wise act in ways that align or are consistent with their words. He goes on to remind us that if wisdom is from God, then those who receive God’s wisdom will not be prone to jealousy or dissension. The opposite is also true. If we see people with a tendency to boast and who engage in questionable practices, then we can have confidence that they are not the ones who spend time in prayer seeking the things of God for their lives.

It makes you wonder why as followers of Christ we would desire to listen to or be led by those whose lives do not reflect the character and ways of God. James makes it clear: “Wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

Father, forgive us for the times we have sought counsel or leadership in our lives from those who do not seek wisdom from you or demonstrate your character by their behavior. Today we ask that you grant us the wisdom we need to live by as we embrace our work and our relationships. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, that our lives and our words would reflect your character and bring you glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your Time with God’s Word
James 3:13-18 ESV

Photo by Jessica Mangano on Unsplash
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Dean Collins

Pastor, campus minister, counselor, corporate employee, Fortune 500 consultant, college president—Dean brings a wide range of experiences and perspectives to his daily walk with God’s Word. 

In 1979 he founded Auburn Christian Fellowship, a nondenominational campus ministry that still thrives today. In 1989 he founded and became executive director for New Directions Counseling Center, a service that grew to include several locations and counselors. In 1996 he became vice president of human resources for the CheckFree Corporation (3,000 employees) till founding DC Consulting in 1999. He continues part-time service with that company, offering executive leadership coaching, organizational effectiveness advice, and help with optimizing business relationships.

His latest pursuit, president of Point University since 2006 (interim president 2006-2009), has seen the college grow in enrollment, curriculum, physical campus, and athletic offerings. He led the school’s 2012 name change and relocation from Atlanta Christian College, East Point, Georgia, to Point University in West Point, Georgia. Meanwhile, he serves as board member or active volunteer with several nonprofits addressing issues ranging from global immunization to local government and education. 

He lives in Lanett, Alabama, with his wife, Penny. He has four children (two married) and five grandchildren. He plays the guitar, likes to cook, and enjoys getting outdoors, often on a nearby golf course. 


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