Living in the Now of Eternity
By Dean Collins
We did celebrate the birth of a Savior who is both Lord and King. There is great historical evidence to the fact of this birth and his life on earth. There is also great evidence of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. But I’m pretty sure Jesus hasn’t shown up in person at any of your recent family gatherings.
Nevertheless, Jesus is here now. Numerous Scriptures teach us that Jesus lives inside every person who has chosen to follow him. In Galatians 5 we read one clear example of this reality as Paul reminds us that it is no longer us but Christ who lives in us. So what about those family gatherings? Jesus was there. His love, peace, and light were available and hopefully filled the room.
Paul urges believers in 1 Thessalonians 5 to remember that we are not people of darkness but rather children of light. If it wasn’t obvious that Jesus has been attending your family and community and church gatherings, then it’s time to put away the behaviors of those who walk in darkness and choose to live as people of light who allow Jesus to shine through.
The last half of chapter 5 reads like a checklist of things we can and must do. These behaviors will distinguish us from those who walk in darkness and will allow Jesus to be visible even at family gatherings:
1. Show respect for your fellow kingdom workers. Especially for those the Lord has appointed as spiritual leaders for you.
2. Be at peace with each other. Maybe it’s time to stop all of the negativity so many believers have displayed on social media.
3. Encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ to get back in the game and start encouraging each other. Be especially encouraging to those who are struggling with life.
4. Make sure you don’t act like the world acts, constantly retaliating for every mistake or hurtful thing that comes your way.
5. Rejoice always
6. Pray constantly
7, Always express gratitude
8. Don’t stifle God’s spirit in you by doing evil
9. Test everything against God’s truth
10. Remember God will always be faithful and he will get you through just as he promised.
John tells us in Scripture that to know God is eternal life (John 17:3). In 1 John 5 the same apostle reminds us that he wrote all of his first letter to give us great confidence that when we believe in Jesus and behave like Jesus we have eternal life. It is ours now as well as later.
Back to 1 Thessalonians 5 where Paul makes reference to our loved ones who have transitioned to glory ahead of us. Many of you experienced this moment of grief just this year. Relief that your loved one no longer suffers, yet their absence brings suffering here that lingers. Paul’s description of those who are asleep in the Lord and those who are awake strikes me as a very helpful and hopeful connection. Even in this moment, both those who have departed and those still here are in fact alive in Christ. The connection we share in Christ is eternal just as Jesus promised. For those of us still here, our life requires that we continue to live and love like Jesus in the now of eternity while we await the moment of our transition or of Christ’s return.
I think both apostles, John and Paul, are in agreement. We can live confidently knowing that all of our loved ones who left in Christ are with us even now. They are experiencing a fuller and richer version of eternity, one we will share more fully in the days ahead. Even in the twinkling of an eye.
Your time with God’s Word
1 Thessalonians 5:1-24; 1 John 5:13 ESV
Photo by Nicole Michalou on Pexels
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