Sunday review

Which of these quotes from last week’s posts mean the most to you? Which will you share with someone else?

October 19
No amount of abuse, no amount of suffering, and no amount of political or religious power can stop what God is accomplishing.

October 20
Racial problems and social justice questions have been with us since the time of ancient Israel, including at the very first months of the church’s existence. These matters are central to God’s heart and mission, but no generation has completely addressed or resolved them.

October 21

Why do you labor at tasks that don’t matter or give joy? Are we working just for a paycheck? Can we find meaning in our work because it matters to someone else?

October 22

Fasting from food for a few hours or even days may be a good discipline, especially when offered to God. But if you ignore the starving people in your community, then Isaiah basically says you have missed God’s point.

October 23

If we want to leave something for the kids that will really help them when we are gone, maybe we need to open up about our struggles and, better yet, leave the kids a model of patient and even joyful dependence on God.

October 24

Too many believers my age have slipped into a self-centered cultural Christianity characterized by being satisfied with what they’ve experienced, avoiding new challenges, retreating from risk, and seeking comfort. At its best, this is a weak, watered-down version of faithfulness.


Photo by Surface on Unsplash


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