Sunday review

Follow the links to see a post you missed, or read a favorite again, or choose a post to share with a friend who will be encouraged by its challenge.

October 26
The problem with “Here I am, Lord” is that it implies one’s willingness to do what God asks one to do. Here is where things can get a little tricky. Sometimes God asks us to do things that make no sense to us.
Read the whole post.

October 27
In recent times I am more acutely aware that, just as things are going well, the Enemy will introduce a distraction. . . . My attention shifts to something less important than the Kingdom challenges before us. Anxiety rises. Paul is suggesting . . . that we must remain aware that Satan is clever and his strategy is to distract any and all of us from the things God has called us to do.
Read the whole post.

October 28
Whenever we are ready to meet God with open hands and hearts he is ready to lead us beyond our comfort zones. He wants to continue his Kingdom expansion through anyone ready to accept his call. He is always expanding our view of the ends of the earth. Kingdom work abounds if you will allow God to open your eyes to unnoticed territory both near and far.
Read the whole post.

October 29
When we surrender to God and allow him to use us, then he is glorified. It is never about us. It is always about him.
Read the whole post.

October 30
The world constantly calls us to be strong or at least look strong. Jesus says when we understand our frailty we have access to his power. Paul calls us jars of clay. And in these fragile jars God has placed eternal and priceless treasures. So it is not about us (the jar); it’s about Jesus ( the treasure).
Read the whole post.

October 31
Like drug companies rising above profit and pride and personal interests, we must unite to fight our common enemy. Satan, not a political antagonist—especially another Christian who disagrees with us—is the only adversary that matters.
Read the whole post.


The appeal and the problem when we hear, “Have it your way”


Uniting against an enemy much more serious than Covid-19