Sunday review: April 12-17

April 18.jpg

We don’t write these daily posts to help readers sit warm and satisfied alone. Instead, the goal is to encourage all of us to take the truth we believe to a world not so sure about it. Several messages this week present us with that challenge,

April 12
Having a conversation with someone who not only survived but even grew emotionally and, more important, spiritually through their difficulties and even their grief is like a drink of cool water in the heat of summer.
Read more.

April 13
The fact that Jesus rose from the dead and that our belief in him will one day bring about the same for us changes everything.
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April 14
Someone cared enough, was excited enough about Jesus that they told us about him. Maybe today would be a good day for you to pay it forward and tell someone what Jesus has done for you.
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April 15
The beauty of the growth of this early Christian community was not that they had 12 apostles. The church grew because everyone, filled with the Holy Spirit, participated in sharing Jesus far and wide.
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April 16
If we watch for wisdom, seek wisdom, and invite wisdom from God, we obtain the very favor of God.
Read more.

April 17
If Christians will replace the trappings and traditions of religion with a transformed lifestyle, bored or alienated nonbelievers will notice.
Read more.

Photo by Juri Gianfrancesco on Unsplash

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