Sunday review: August 1-6

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God is in control, no matter how much energy we spend trying to take charge of our situation. Relax in his love and remember his power as you reread or remember some of this week’s posts.

August 1
Money, power, and wisdom alone cannot accomplish the work God has called us to do. If work and life are not surrendered to God, then the things we do have little long-term impact. Solomon said that to wake early and stay up late worrying about all that needs to be solved or accomplished is a waste of time. There is a connection between surrender and rest.
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August 2
In life we find ourselves somewhere on a continuum. The extreme problem we want to avoid is to be a workaholic or, worse, a religious workaholic who cannot stop activity and who likely begins to think everything depends on them. On the other extreme are the people Paul was describing in 2 Thessalonians, busybodies who basically walk around doing nothing except meddling in others’ business but never carrying their weight or doing their work.
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August 3
Carrying a lot of responsibility can lead some toward arrogance that suggests only you can figure things out, solve the problems, and save the day. The Psalms and countless other passages in scripture remind us that is not true. None of us has all the answers. No one person can know everything needed to adequately provide for every possible challenge we will face at work, at home, or in our volunteer service. We must learn the balance of working hard while placing the burdens and problems we face daily in the hands of one who can carry them.
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August 4
We might do well to imitate the psalmist's prayer by requesting that God set a guard over our mouths and watch our lips that we would not speak evil or choose to drift toward evil through the company we keep. While we pray that God would help us with our thoughts and speech, we might add, “and guard our fingers against typing gossip and spewing hatred in social media.”
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August 5
Since ancient times there has been awareness of the importance of older generations passing down wisdom to the next generation. As followers of Christ, our focus must be on the transfer of recognition that God is King.
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August 6
Little did I realize that along with tears we’d have more than one occasion to laugh because of the strange rearrangement of reality that Alzheimer’s brings.
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Photo by Nathan Dumlao at

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