Sunday review: August 15-20

Every Sunday we bring you this quick taste of the previous week’s posts. Skim this week’s list to remember ones you missed or want to read again.

August 15
Someone is always watching. As followers of Jesus we want those who watch to see Jesus in us. And we want to place ourselves in places where we can see eye-to-eye with those around us and never as one who thinks they are better than anyone else. We can learn a lot by watching and listening to Jesus. His ways lead to peace, joy, and love.
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August 16
We will be content. That’s what the good apostle said. Yet we are not. The temptation and the reality are that the snare catches us regularly, and we can’t seem to help ourselves in our pursuit for more. Paul said we need to be careful because unchecked we might plunge into ruin and destruction. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. There are plenty of other temptations to evil, but our pursuit of money and stuff is a root big enough to trip us up.
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August 17
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to live according to the purposes of God. We have a calling in the royal family. Our lives are more than the things we do to earn a paycheck.
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August 18
To succeed in life and survive difficult seasons, we need advanced preparation. Building a foundation of tools and filling our hearts and minds with the wisdom and ways of God will help us in times of great stress. But our pursuit of God must not be just historical. We must keep this approach throughout our lives. Wisdom and insight from God can and will help us on any and every day and in every situation.
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August 19
One of the oldest writers of any books in the Bible may have told us the secret to overcoming fear. The apostle John in his first epistle said this: “By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is evidence and assurance that God is in us and with us. He went on to say there is no fear in love and that perfect love casts out fear. When we abide in Christ and live and act with love, we can be confident that God is with us and by his power he will give us victory over every fear.
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August 20
Michelle’s trek down the street with me is an ideal image of the apostle John’s favorite term for the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the one who calls us along, encourages us. I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you he’d love to call you along too. He, the Holy Spirit, is a gift to all who abandon allegiance to any but Jesus. For those who embrace Jesus as King, the Holy Spirit comes…calls…encourages.
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Photo by Thought Catalog at Unsplash

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Fear: the enemy’s tactic to discourage and distract us from God’s work


I couldn’t have finished without my encouragers, and neither can you