Sunday review: August 2-7

Life is better with Jesus as Lord and the Bible as our standard. While affirming that, this week’s posts also say YOU are better with Jesus as Lord and the Bible as your standard. Be inspired to set higher goals as you read some of these posts again.


August 2
I’ve seen a lot of young people overstep and get out of their given roles. It’s a good thing to do your job and then offer to help by doing extra work. But it’s a different thing to jump into other people’s responsibilities without discussion and assume you can handle them. Maybe you can, but often you can’t. Of course, older folks can make the same mistakes.
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August 3
Fewer words and cooler heads bring better results. “Whoever restrains words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding” (Proverbs 17:27). James 1:19, 20 tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. James added that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
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August 4
In a quiet moment, in a desperate moment, in an honest moment, we realize we want to live in a Kingdom like Jesus described. Because in the upside-down Kingdom of God, Jesus found us and chose to forgive us for our sins, all of them, even the ones we barely can admit to ourselves. He showered us with mercy and grace. And he invited us to join his mission of telling others about this love and grace so he could get on with the final restoration when he comes again to put everything back as he intended it to be for us and for all.
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August 5
Jesus said follow me. Jesus said love one another. Jesus said go and make disciples. These aren’t what-do-you think moments. They are commands that demand action. A quick no with a repentant heart is better than a yes with no follow-through.
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August 6
Many times I have realized that, like the Sadducees, I am wrong. I don’t know the Scriptures as well as I think I do, and I fall short of truly knowing and trusting the power of God. Even as I fully believe in the resurrection of Jesus and in our future resurrection, I can easily forget or ignore this power as I face a moment of stress or fear.
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August 7
If we harbor a niggling problem that makes us less happy or effective, one question looms: When will we have the courage to address it?
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Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

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