Sunday review: August 22-27 needs settings

Had a rough week? Look around, and you’ll see you’re not alone. This week’s posts acknowledge the fact that Christians suffer—but God is faithful. Read, reflect, and rekindle your trust in him as you consider again these quotes.

August 22
I am increasingly aware that when we are doing God’s work, the enemy will use many tactics to stir fear in our hearts and minds and in the hearts and minds of our colleagues, which may be fellow church members, friends, employees, or family. Our best defense against the attacks that stir fear is to step back and pray. Through our prayers and worship, God will calm our internal storms and give us clarity in our mission and strength for the work he has called us to do.
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August 23
The path of a disciple is a path of suffering. Yes, there is so much more to the faith journey. There is the grace of Jesus, which is both our foundation and our strength. But grace allows us to share in the suffering of Jesus. J
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August 24
Our level of difficulty will likely vary in intensity and frequency, but there will be times of difficulty for everyone who seriously chooses to live a godly life. Faith in God might keep someone from being hired or result in termination. It might result in being included or rejected here or there. Choosing to live with morality and character according to God’s standards has a price. Paul knew it. Timothy saw it. And Paul was preparing Timothy that the same things were ahead in his life.
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August 25
The kingdom is coming but not in the way they thought it would or when they hoped. Our issue is still the same. I wouldn’t mind if Jesus showed up today and knocked over some tables and put some troublemakers in their respective places! But that is apparently not his plan.
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August 26
God can see much farther down the road than any of us can. He knows the obstacles and roadblocks. He realizes the enemy’s strategy. And he looks around to see whose heart is completely devoted to him. When God's eyes fall on us trusting him and leaning on his strength and seeking his will, then God leans in. The results are always his, and no one can see them ahead of time. But when we see them we can and must praise him and celebrate his goodness to us and to others.
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August 27
When we do the next right thing for the benefit of the others in our lives, we are achieving success, even when no one knows or notices.  
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Photo by Tony Eight Media at

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