Sunday review: August 30—September 4


Have you figured out how the circumstances of your life today fit into God’s big picture and purposes? This week’s posts encourage us to keep believing that God is at work, even when we can’t see how. Choose one or two to read again or share with a friend.

August 30
There are two strong and comforting things we must remember when facing struggles of any source. The first is that God knows our name and he uses it to call us close to him! And second, Isaiah reminded his audience how God sees us: “You are mine.” Can there be anything more comforting than to know God claims us as his very own?
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August 31
Isaiah said, “But the Lord help me” and “behold the Lord God helps me.” Even when we walk in darkness, we can and must trust in the name of the Lord. When we lead with this attitude, no one can contend with us or shame us. God will strengthen our legs and backs to stand boldly even in difficult times.
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September 1
God works on a higher plane than we do. No matter how smart you are, you don’t have it figured out. We can’t see what God can. We cannot do what he is able to do. Yes, it is hard to imagine how and especially why God acts so generously to us. We tend to see and act according to our own experiences. We know our flaws. We see and have experienced each other’s flaws that lead to suffering, abuse, and pain. But these are our ways and not those of our gracious God.
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September 2
We are someone’s hero today, and even when we are gone our story will be remembered by those whose lives we touched. As believers, we pray and hope that our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. and others in our community come to know, follow, and experience life in Christ. Remembering how we navigated our lives may one day bring them all to faith, and they then will complete our stories.
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September 3
God gets blamed for a lot of things we don’t understand. It’s normal to transfer our anger with God toward others. Part of our good news is that he can handle it with grace and love and will never strike back at us for our feelings or our limited understanding. And if we watch, we will see God’s compassion poured out on us and on our situations.
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September 4
Would we have committed to ministry without the prod from the local church? Maybe. Did the camaraderie of our group, example of our ministers, and experience with Christian service while we were still teenagers point us toward Christian service? Undoubtedly.
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Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

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