Sunday review: December 20-25

We’ve been thinking about Christmas every day this week. And now, on the day after, it’s not yet time to stop remembering the gift of God’s Son. Choose one or two of this week’s posts to push your thoughts away from holiday hubbub and back toward the deepest reason for our celebration.

December 20
The baby born in Bethlehem has changed us all. It’s time to step into the standing we have in Christ and bring joy, love, peace, and transformation to our communities and to the world.
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December 21
The gift of Jesus is personal yet communal. Our faith in Jesus as the light of the world means we are a part of both a rich historical family and one that will continue to expand until Jesus returns. Then we will see all of our brothers and sisters and celebrate a Christmas that is frankly impossible to imagine.
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December 22
Advent is not just a celebration of the birth of Christ; it is also about our eager wait for his ultimate return. Abiding in Christ gives us confidence that he will return just as he promised and that we wait confidently with no fear or hesitation.
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December 23
This Christmas and every day our focus must be on receiving God’s love gift of a Savior and our role in proclaiming his love far and wide by our words and our actions. As we do this there will be greater acceptance of the gospel and far less temptation to give in to false doctrine.
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December 24
Jesus was born that no more may die. And this was accomplished only because this God-king was born to die so that all people from every generation might have payment for their sins and therefore the promise of life.
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December 25
This year, as I remember the deep joy and sustenance brought to me by both my son and my daughter, as we hug a grandson who delights us with all he’s becoming at 5 years old, I shudder at the meaning of “God sent his Son.”
Read more.

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Photo by Gareth Harper on Unsplash


Know that God is still with you, even two days after Christmas


My tale of three sons . . . mine, his, and ultimately, God’s