Sunday review, December 7-12

Quotes to remember, quotes to share, quotes from this week’s posts to help you rethink the season .

December 7
I will make another mistake soon. I will miss the mark of living Christlike in every way. And I might not even notice my error. So please pray for me. Feel free to call or write me directly so I can correct my behavior. I’ll do the same for you. I’m willing to bet that if we took this approach, we might see a multitude of people willing to join us. Before we know it, we might even see those who despise Christians leaning in to learn how we live so joyfully and peacefully together.
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December 8
Every day the final return of Jesus is headed our way. The final restoration of all people and the restoration of the earth is approaching. The changes we want to see cannot be accomplished by the systems and politics of man. But all things are possible and available in and by the grace of God.
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December 9
The one group that can and should be showing the world how to live authentically and lovingly is the body of Christ. No club, no political party, no racial group, and no law can do that. Only Jesus can unite and make whole what was broken by the sin of mankind.
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December 10
If you were feeling bored or unfocused today, maybe it’s time to reengage in this amazing and life-giving work of building up the body of Christ. It’s not on you or me alone. It’s on all of us together.
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December 11
During this season of Advent we commemorate the coming of a long-awaited Savior to a manger in Bethlehem. Now we linger in the middle space, waiting for the return of a Savior King who will one day make all things right and new. Every broken place and person will be healed.
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December 12
Jesus came to create far more than the warm sentiments of our culture, with our focus and even our sacrifices to make Christmas special for the youngest ones in our lives. We who know him—or at least know about him—celebrate his birth because of all the help he promises for our grown-up guilt and fear and myriad weaknesses.
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Photo by Andrea Davis from Pexels


From your very first moment until today might just be phase one


As we think about children, remember Christmas is for adults