Sunday review: February 1-6

How does God prepare us to do his will? How does he sustain us when we’re seeking to submit our life to his purposes? How does he give us hope and peace when life goes wrong? This week’s posts deal with issues that can help you walk with confidence and joy. Remember them and share them today!


February 1
No political system will ever bow to Jesus. That doesn’t mean we can’t or even shouldn’t advocate for justice or moral issues as citizens. But we must be very careful in the political sphere, because politics will ask for loyalty that we can never give if we call Jesus our Lord.
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February 2
God doesn’t always choose to resolve our situation with our preferred outcome. But he is always working for our good, weaving a divine purpose, and whatever he does will bring glory to God.
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February 3
Is our heart so full with our own concerns that we’ve pushed Jesus into a corner and silenced him? Is there a battle for control in the temple of our hearts that we refuse to acknowledge?
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February 4
How are we to respond to God’s reconciling mission for our world? Do we give up and simply wait on God? No. We are called to love mercy, walk humbly, and do justice. Loving one’s neighbors as one loves self demands that we work for the justice of our neighbors.
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February 5
When we place our lives in the hands of God, he will use all of our experiences and brokenness for his glory. Family structures are a part of our personality and character development. And while healthy structures are best, God can redeem and use us regardless of the dysfunctional upbringing we might have experienced. To see that result, we must offer all of ourselves to God.
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February 6
People desire hope. They want peace. They seek confidence. They just don’t always know where to find it. If you ask those who walk away from a graveside mourning, yet confident, they will tell you there is no explaining the peace that comes in walking faithfully with Jesus.
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Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash


What if things get worse, not better, after you answer God’s call?


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