Sunday review: February 14-19, 2022

Day by day by day. That’s the challenge—and the opportunity—of the Christian life. Which day this week did you receive the boost you needed from the insight posted at this site?

February 14
While we live out our lives we also know in advance that there is an enemy who, while already defeated by Jesus, still has the ability to tempt and distract us from God’s purpose and plan for us. We shouldn’t then be surprised when things become difficult. Living with others who also have freedom to make choices in a fallen world that awaits restoration means we can’t possibly know everything that will happen and have the exact script to overcome every challenge.
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February 15
It is comforting to know that God will fight for us. I think our bigger problem is keeping silent while God does his work. Sometimes it’s hard to simply stop talking and let God do what God does. 
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February 16
David was discovering the vast riches of God, and this gave him strength to do the thing we all must do: place our hand and commit our very essence, our soul and spirit, into God’s hands. He will not let go now or later. This may be difficult when the pain is great or the problem seems too big, but our job is to hold on to the one who has enough love, enough strength, and all the time in his hands.
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February 17
Very little survives past a generation. Businesses, organizations, even governments have a shelf life. But the things of God span the generations.
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February 18
Scripture is full of evidence that God delivers on his promises. Our response to him is inconsistent, but his response to us is constant. David summarized God’s consistency this way: “None of those who take refuge in him will be condemned.” None of them. Jesus made the way possible that all who call upon his name will be saved.
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February 19
When our eyes are on another simply for the purpose of pleasing ourselves, we’re not seeing God.
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Photo by STIL on Unsplash
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