Sunday review: February 22-27


The battle is real. We see it in culture’s priorities and society’s injustices. And we discover it in our own hearts. Find tools for combatting the Enemy in posts at this site this week. Quotes from each one, below.

February 22
No political system, no amount of money, no new technology, no ideology or philosophy can save us from ourselves and from our sins. Only Jesus can do that.
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February 23
We can keep clawing away at our own solutions, we can continue trying to create security for our families and friends by ourselves. Or we can fall into the grace of God by way of the name who is above all names.
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February 24
So should we as believers advocate for better policy? Of course. Should we try to correct systems that are unjust? Absolutely. But the most impactful thing we can do to actually fix the problems of this world is best accomplished when we share the good news of Jesus, live the good news of Jesus, and make disciples who will do the same.
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February 25
God saves the humble, and those with haughty eyes he brings down. God’s ways are perfect. When we put our trust in him and apply his Word to our lives, we will never need to worry about having haughty eyes.
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February 26
If we are called to extend God’s reign to the places around us, then that task will require bolder prayers. One reason it will require these bold prayers is that we’ll always face resistance from the enemy of God when we advance the mission of God.
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February 27
This discussion, perhaps more than any other today, demands that we follow Paul’s directive to “do nothing from . . . conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. . . . look . . . to the interest of others” (Philippians 2:3, 4 ESV). One Black friend spoke to me of the “stunning hubris” he’s heard from some white folks talking about race.
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Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash


Here are two passages that express why I continue writing this blog


How small steps can lead to racial healing, and a plea to start now