Sunday review: February 8-13


Waiting on God. Surrendering to God. Loving all those God loves. Easy words, but big challenges—all of this and more in this week’s post. Enjoy these reminders and decide which of these posts you want to share today.

February 8
Waiting on God is both our best defense and offense. And it is the ultimate declaration that we understand we are, in fact, neither God nor in charge.
Read more.

February 9
Loving the Bible isn’t good enough. Loving the Bible and failing to love your neighbors is idolatry and actually isn’t close at all to the Kingdom of God.
Read more.

February 10
What is too extravagant for Jesus? The answer must depend on one’s intentions.
Read more.

February 11
To come for a visit with God or to stay in his dwelling place requires that we take on the character of God. We know from the New Testament Scripture that this is possible only when we allow Jesus to transform us from the inside out.
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February 12
The distance between gratitude and grumbling will expand as we fill the space with humble and daily surrender.
Read more.

February 13
Perhaps that’s the right balance: No heaps of self-induced shame for prejudices I inherited in a world that bred them into me. But also no ignoring difficult realities that for me, like so much of white America, are still only vaguely grasped.
Read more.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

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