Sunday review: January 18-23


One of this week’s posts offered (or can offer) special help to you. One of them could also lift up someone you know. Here find snippets and links and the opportunity to share.

January 18
Some feel they have much to offer in helping resolve current tensions. Some see many ways to welcome others who are different or have less opportunity. If you’re one of these looking to lead change in this current moment, I encourage you to consider the magnitude of change Christ did in Paul’s life.
Read more.

January 19
I don’t have to remind any of you how mean people get when their politics are questioned. It will take us awhile to cleanse our minds of all the recent negative talk.
Read more.

January 20
Doing the will of God must always begin with spending time with the One whose will we are to accomplish.
Read more.

January 21
As children of God we must put away the negative thoughts that the enemy plants in our minds. We do that by reading, knowing, and claiming who we are in God’s eyes.
Read more.

January 22
I’m not smart enough to assume I know what is best for the country. But I know what’s best for me. If you have chosen to follow Jesus it is probably best for you as well.
Read more.

January 23
Can Christians disagree about the best way to reduce abortions, offer gun rights, or handle the flood of illegal immigrants living in our country? If not, if Christians can’t confront complicated questions without assaulting each other with simplistic, black-and-white, accusatory put-downs, a watching world will simply walk away. And statistics tell us that is happening more every year.
Read more.

Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata from Pexels

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His majestic power is above everything, and yet he chooses us!


“Why post on Facebook?” The question I’m not sure I’ve answered well