Sunday review: January 24-29

God is alive and at work in those who serve him today. This week’s posts suggest ways to see that true in your own life. Choose one or two to read again, and pick your favorite to share with a friend.

January 24
What might happen if we dared to allow him to use us at dinner tables, in meetings, with neighbors, in government, wherever we go? What if salt and light were a part of every encounter? The possibilities for what Jesus will do are truly hard to imagine.
Read more.

January 25
Having politics in common isn’t what changes the world for Jesus. Having an insistence and seeming determination to speak cruelly to those who think differently than you is not the right thing to have in common.
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January 26
There is only one way to treat people as we live out our days on this path. “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” Herein is a summary of the teaching of the law and the prophets. The religious crowd back in Jesus’ day focused on many other rules as critically important. But Jesus used this one-liner. Only the way of love gives us clear boundaries.
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January 27
As followers of Jesus, we will experience setbacks, suffer loss, go through grief, and sometimes be treated unjustly by others. We know that what was meant for harm God used for good in the Joseph story. If you pay attention to the details, you see many examples of a wide range of faulty thinking and of strong emotions by both Joseph and his family. We are subject to all of the same on our journey. Not everything we think will happen will happen. The reasons for hard things may or may not be what we think. Our emotions will go up and down. And God will still be with us, just as he was with Joseph.
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January 28
So what about you and me? We have the Scriptures. We have a Savior and High Priest who has settled our debt. We have a faithful friend in Jesus. We have the Holy Spirit living in us. We have brothers and sisters in the community of faith to love and encourage us. We have natural gifts and spiritual gifts. It seems that if God could use Joseph to do kingdom work, he just might be able to use us as well.
Read more.

January 29
I asked the guys in my group to name their own strength. And then I hit them with, “So how is God using your strength for his purposes? How have you submitted your strength to his control rather than using it just to build up yourself?”
Read more.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

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