Sunday review: January 25-30


Pondering the mysteries of God. Choosing your decisions as you live with his grace. This week’s posts point us to him and his will. Follow the links to remember how they’ve helped you this week.

January 25
We look at the night sky filled with stars and planets and we wonder about our significance compared with the the vastness of the universe. But David reminds us that what might feel like insignificance in contrast to the whole universe is actually powerful. God chose us and crowned us with glory when he created us in his image.
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January 26
It’s not that God wants us to be afraid to come to him. Scripture echoes with God’s love and mercy and his repeated invitations to approach him boldly. But first comes awe of the greatness and the power and wisdom of God. This is what Solomon recommends, and awe is what the disciples experienced in a familiar incident recorded in Mark 4.
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January 27
Whenever we begin and whenever we are unsure of the next step or need verification, we must pause to seek God’s direction. And then we wait. And oh how I hate to wait! Especially in those moments when I desperately need assurance now that God will give me an answer!
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January 28
Over and over again in the epistles we hear the many ways we are to encourage, pray for, love, forgive, express kindness, and minister to one another. Hebrews tells us to make sure we don’t avoid community but rather seek it. There is no place or way for believers to make a solo journey for God.
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January 29
The unpredictable and imaginative God of the universe is always working. He can transform lives and change our course. He will forgive and even redeem our mistakes when we admit our sin and weaknesses. He will look past the leaders acclaimed by the world and even the church folk. If God can use Judah, then there is great hope he can use us as well.
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January 30
It’s not a new thought, the challenge to consider everyday privilege. (“Count Your Blessings” was written in 1897.) But as I sit in my warm home in a safe neighborhood waiting for the next chance to get out of the house, it’s the thought I need.
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Photo by Lugo Pixels on Unsplash

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The fog of politics will never provide what only Jesus promises


One story to show the surprising way God works to do his will