Sunday review: January 4-9

Day by day by day . . . this is how we experience victory in our Christian walk. We hope posts this week helped you. Here are reminders of the encouragement we tried to offer.

January 4
Go ahead and exercise and watch your calories and carbs, but don’t forget that the greatest benefit comes from taking time to focus on the goodness and greatness of God each day. He got us through last year and he is our guide and our deliverer for all that awaits us in 2021.
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January 5
What would happen if every believer started the day asking God for wisdom to handle whatever is ahead of them? What solutions might God provide if our dependence shifted from self to God? What resources would be supplied if we believed God was fully with us and for us? What attraction would appear for those who don’t know Jesus if they saw a joyful and wise church reaching out to those in need?
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January 6
The more we develop God’s heart, the less we will be annoyed or frustrated with what others do and the more we will be intentional about doing the work that invites those around us to discover God’s love.
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January 7
When we resist the enemy and his bait, he will run. But he will come back with another attempt, so we must draw closer to God.
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January 8
God is the great shield for those who seek him. David knew what we must learn: There is no greater place for us to seek help for all of the injustice of the world than in the King of kings.
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January 9
There’s much I’m powerless to control, but, really, that’s not new. One blessing of looking back at the finished pages is to remember all the twists and turns I was little prepared for.
Read more.

Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels


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