Sunday review: July 26-31


“Spiritual progress will always be accompanied by spiritual battle.” Today’s review comes with the prayer that this week’s posts are strengthening you against whatever attack our enemy may be throwing at you.

July 26
We can’t say it’s from God based on preferences or biases. God alone decides what is true. As Christ-followers we mustn’t create the exceptions we want and proclaim them to be God’s Word on the matter. Culture changes. Jesus doesn’t. If you want to pick one, I’d go with Jesus.
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July 27
Jesus’ point is that seeking greatness isn’t the goal—either here and now or even in the Kingdom. The goal is to allow the righteousness of God to preside over all of our actions.
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July 28
Solomon puts it this way: “Two are better than one.” He goes on to explain the reasons; we can accomplish more, have better results, have help when we make mistakes or fall, find comfort, and prevail over difficulty and enemies.
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July 29
The psalmist affirms that the Lord will give what is good. Does he ever give bad gifts? His blessings and fullness will meet all human needs and will also renew the land. The earth itself will experience goodness. The way forward will be seen because of the footprints of the Almighty who walks before us.
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July 30
Jesus paid a debt for us that we had no capacity to handle. Yet how often have we turned and refused to forgive someone for their wrongs against us? Before we answer, we must consider our attitude toward those who disagree with us in big and small ways. Do we act with harshness and anger in our daily exchanges at work, at home, on social media? Do we look at others with disdain when they don’t see things our way? Do we wish them harm, hope they get what is due to them for their attitudes?
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July 31
It takes regular attention to keep the weeds away. And I’ve discovered my spiritual health is not a once-and-done proposition, either. In fact, just about the time I think I have the upper hand on one temptation, another slides in behind it to befuddle me again. . . . Weeds grow best of all in fertile soil. I must live with the fact that spiritual progress will always be accompanied by spiritual battle.
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Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

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