Sunday review: July 4-9

Skim through these quotes from this week’s posts, and you may stop at one you don’t remember reading. Or maybe you missed one or two of the encouraging thoughts at this site this week. Choose one day’s entry to read again—or share with a friend!

July 4
It isn’t any easier in the second hearing than in the first to love our enemies and to do good, even lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Expecting nothing back includes that they would ever change their opinions to be the same as yours or mine.
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July 5
How many times have we found ourselves in a mess and tried all of our solutions and gone to every system or person we knew, trying to solve what only God can do? When we find ourselves in moments like this, our best decision is to do what Elisha did. Call for some worship to get our hearts and minds in tune with God. Elisha did that, and God responded.
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July 6
God loves all of his creation. His heart is for everyone. He responds to those in need when we cry out. He often responds in ways and in timeframes that we will never understand. Yet when we see his response and understand his grace and mercy, we fall to the ground in humble gratitude and lift up our voices in praise.
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July 7
If we can learn to trust that our best position is rooted in the love of Christ and find ways to express that love to the ones we sometimes criticize and battle against, maybe one by one we would see the grace of God break through. God’s redemptive plan will not fail.
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July 8
Jesus doesn't have any social media accounts because he does not need them to know what is in our hearts. He can hear us express both our private muttering, our whispers, and our public posts. I wonder how many times Jesus by his Spirit and his Word tells us, “I have something to say to you” and we simply ignore him? We likely don’t even hear his statement because we have allowed our anger and judgment to get so loud we can’t hear anyone, let alone Jesus.
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July 9
#1. Stop comparing yourself to others
#2. Stop fearing the unknown
#3. Stop blaming others
#4. Take responsibility for ALL your actions
Read more.

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