Sunday review: June 13-18

Focus, focus, focus! Focus on God’s goodness, God’s plan, God’s standards for the healthiest life possible. Readers of these daily posts get help with the challenge of seeing God amid all the distractions of this life. The following snippets from this week’s offerings will show you how this is true.

June 13
Whatever side you take on the various issues of the day, . . .what if you spent at least a few minutes each day thinking about and praying about what God has offered as our great solution to the problems of humanity? Maybe I am being too simplistic. But what if I’m not?
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June 14
I suspect like me you have days where you wonder if God is paying attention to your situation. Does he have time for our problems when so many big things need his attention and intervention? The story of Simeon reminds us that God cares for individuals as a part of his love for everyone. Simeon didn’t earn this moment, but his righteous and devout character allowed him to experience it.
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June 15
Transformed by the power of the gospel and united in Christ, we must stop fighting each other. Our mission as ambassadors of the gospel and as brothers and sisters must be greater than all allegiances to any other cause.
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June 16
We may at times forget who we are in Christ, but that doesn't change that we are first and most importantly loved by God, chosen by God, and created by God and that our lives have value independent of what we could ever do.
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June 17
When we realize our direction or our actions are inconsistent with our life in Christ, we must redirect our minds and even our feet toward God’s Word. When we do, our path is aligned with God, our heart is restored, and our love for others will be pure and undivided.
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June 18
My friend . . . preached a sermon based on the story of Israel’s Exodus called “The Shortest Distance between Two Points is a Crooked Line.” It defies the mathematical axiom and even questions common sense. But without the journey through the wilderness, Israel would have missed the manna each morning, the water from the rock, the abundance of quail, the Ten Commandments, and the protective care of the Father.
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Photo by Ben White at

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