Sunday review: June 21-26

Our mission in life determines the way we relate to others. That’s one thread tying this week’s posts together. Maybe you’ll see other common themes as you read some of these again. You might choose one or two to share with someone you know!


June 21
Maybe if we behaved in the world, including the social media world, with wisdom and godly sincerity and resisted behavior that was the same as the world’s behavior, we would have more success in sharing the love of Christ. Acting with grace toward others not only will change the tone of the conversation. It might just be the thing that changes everything.
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June 22
If you try to run the business or the church by yourself, you still will have problems. All of us bring imperfections to the party. When we add others, things will get more complicated and there will be more difficulties to deal with. But a team can accomplish more than an individual. If we determine to look at each other from the view of Christ’s redeeming work on the cross, we have a whole new opportunity.
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June 23
In order to be the triumphant body of Christ, we must address the lack of unity in the body caused in part by our lack of practicing forgiveness. We are quick to name sin and sadly quick to gossip about sinners, but often slow if not stagnant about offering forgiveness and help to our fallen brothers and sisters. And when we resist restoration, we hinder the procession of Christ in our communities. We demonstrate that we are no different than others and suggest that the gospel has no power. We start looking and acting like we’ve been outwitted.
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June 24
As we offer our fragile selves to God each day, he responds with more grace, more mercy, more love, and more power. . . . The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us, according to Paul. This is why and how we not only just hang in there but even thrive during the hardest of days. God has a purpose and a plan to bring his life and love to all through us!
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June 25
Someday we’ll walk in the space God has made for us in a fully renewed earth. I think the older we get and the more we embrace the reality that God has made us and all things new, the more we naturally long for that time and place. I sometimes need to be reminded that the struggles here are temporary. I also need to be reminded that when I let go of trying to fix everything, I create space to see and enjoy how God fills up the needs I have and those you have as well.
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June 26
Even though our bodies may be worse for wear, we can still make our lives reflections of God’s beautiful goodness. In a world bothered by so much that’s bad, we can see it’s never too late to bloom.
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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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