Sunday review: June 6-11

It’s a great life we live . . . when we submit it to the standards God gave to make it good. Discover several of them as you review and remember insights posted here this week.

June 6
If we do not set aside time to think and reflect, we will miss untold amounts of insight and awareness about ourselves. We will also miss moments where God speaks to us in the quiet places.
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June 7
The blessing is ours not because we are good enough, smart enough, or right enough. The blessing is ours because we are chosen. God chose us to be a part of his family, his story, and his eternal kingdom. Paul explains that we are not a second thought but are a result of the plan God has been executing all along. The enemy of God may have succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve and us to consider another path, but the grace of God has won the battle and made possible the unity of all things.
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June 8
”But God” moments are the best moments. The Bible abounds with these moments of deliverance. The Old Testament is filled with stories of God’s people and leaders who were surrounded, trapped, and completely outnumbered. But God intervened with a rescue that no one was even capable of imagining. That is exactly what Paul wants us to understand. We couldn’t save ourselves from sin, but God did the unimaginable; he sent his Son to save us. He came not as a warrior to defeat all of the bad guys but as a humble servant who would offer his life by way of a cross. His death and resurrection bring ours.
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June 9
What struck me as I read the opening of Luke’s Gospel today was that Luke spent hours and hours, likely over months or even years, to help Theophilus have an accurate understanding of Jesus. He was determined to build the confidence of Theophilus in his knowledge about Jesus so that it might deepen his faith and participation in the work of Jesus in the world. What if we all invested that kind of time and energy in helping just one person have a deep and abiding knowledge of Jesus?
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June 10
Turning our hearts and mind toward the testimonies and guidelines of God’s Word can help us avoid drifting toward selfishness and selfish gain. We must anchor ourselves in God’s truth and character so we don’t spend inappropriate amounts of time, energy, and money on self over our call to follow Jesus in serving and loving others. If we don’t root ourselves deeply in God’s kingdom way, then we will naturally drift to serving our own kingdoms.
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June 11
Time after time, God revealed his strength as Paul demonstrated his contentment with his own limitations and weaknesses.
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Photo by Jud Mackrill at

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