Sunday review: March 1-6


Just as we need daily meals to stay strong and healthy, we need regular spiritual nourishment to feed our souls and help us keep close to God. Which of this week’s posts brought you closer to him? See (and share!) quotes below:

March 1
The only way one can begin to comprehend and share the whole counsel of God is by faithfulness to prayer and to consuming his Word.
Read more.

March 2
When will we learn that anything we possess is really and truly not ours but rather given to us by God?
Read more.

March 3
Just the practice of daily reading the Bible will support continued spiritual growth and the wonderful experience of discovering something there you’ve never seen before.
Read more.

March 4
An honest scientist, an honest atheist, and an honest Christian share some of the same predicament. Faith is required to draw conclusions.
Read more.

March 5
God takes all the hard things and the sad things and the broken things and brings good to us even when we have experienced devastation and disappointment in life.
Read more.

March 6
“Create in me a clean heart, O God.” If I’m ever to help repair America’s racial divide, this is the prayer I must offer daily.
Read more.

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Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash


Basic instructions for the best life, all in one chapter from Proverbs


A second list of steps toward racial healing, and these may cost more