Sunday review: March 8-13


Which pointer for daily living has helped you the most this week? Which could be the biggest benefit to someone you know? Which of these posts will you decide to share today?

March 8
Much good can come from a mentor. But it’s noteworthy that we don’t find a bunch of Scriptures telling us, “Find a mentor.” Instead, we see many passages encouraging us to ask God for wisdom.
Read more.

March 9
These days I’m less interested in who’s in or out and more focused on surrendering daily to the one who has given me the gift of life filled with abundance and lasting forever.
Read more.

March 10
Be assured that God knows you by name and notices the things you do out of your love for him. Always and anytime we can be leveraged for God or for the enemy of God.
Read more.

March 11
Paul says that we who are strong are to help those who are weak. . . . When we see our brothers and sisters struggling, we don’t flex our spiritual muscles just to show off. We reach out and pull them up.
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March 12
Paul stated his mission clearly and was planting the seed for the believers who would read this letter that this mission is everyone’s mission: Preach the gospel. Share the good news. Spread the seed of God’s love so every person can experience the love of God.
Read more.

March 13
”You don’t own your possessions. They own you.” “Live simply so that others can simply live.”
Read more.

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Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash


Why we need a God who is always trustworthy (Psalm 23, Part 1)


This I’d rather ignore: Do I own my possessions, or do they own me?