Sunday review: May 31—June 5


Living for God is a daily challenge, accompanied by blessings new every morning. How have our posts this week helped you day-by-day? Which of them means most to you as you begin a new week?

May 31
I’m pretty sure God doesn’t want us constantly worried that we don’t have his approval and forgiveness. Maybe there is only one step we need to take as we live our lives freely and boldly. The apostle Paul may have figured it out. Here are his words in Romans: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
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June 1
While there is so much to celebrate about America and her greatness, one of the topics we have ignored more than changed is our attitudes, our ignorance, and our actions when it comes to matters of racial justice. We may have the best constitution ever written. We may have the best economic and judicial systems in the world. But our appetite for addressing this lingering and un-Christian silence about race issues must change.
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June 2
Whatever our level of leadership, we must all realize the importance of staying focused on the rest that God gives versus the temptation to simply take it easy and self-medicate or give into self-indulgence with activities clearly not in line with God’s Word or plan for us.
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June 3
So many people are absolutely convinced their ism or ideology can fix all the problems in the world. But it never does, and it never can. And, sadly, the followers of Jesus often think they have a better plan than Jesus. So we form our special groups, denominations, and movements trying to prove we’re right. Yet our superior tone pushes us farther and farther from Jesus.
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June 4
My list of mighty helpers would be in the hundreds who have prayed for, invested in, supported, challenged, and at times corrected me. I am deeply indebted to and grateful for each of them. Some of you who read these devotionals are among those who help me follow Jesus better along with helping me with my current assignment of leading Point University. Thank you.
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June 5
I can look at the person different than me with brotherly love instead of selfish suspicion. I can stand for what I believe while seeking to understand why someone close to me sees the issue differently. And I can acknowledge the influences driving them to their position. I can view my daily duties not as drudgery but as the opportunity to serve Jesus, whether I’m washing dishes, balancing budgets, grading papers, or supervising employees.
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Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

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