Sunday review, November 16-21

Brief reminders of a week’s worth of possibilities. Which one will help you most today?

November 16
As the dust of a long election season begins to settle, we have options as brothers and sisters in Christ. We can continue to be loud and angry with each other and work to prove our side of the political fight is or was right. Or we can follow Paul’s example and show humility and aim for restoration.
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November 17
There is never a problem of scarcity with God’s love, nor with his faithfulness. They last forever. He will be there in every season and at every turn. He will never abandon or forget us.
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November 18
Both the apostle Paul and the psalmist agree; when we are generous we create generosity. God generously gave us his Son Jesus. The least we can do is share his love with those who have need.
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November 19
The older you get, the more you look for a sense of contentment. Don’t wait till you’re old. Contentment is available at any age when we resign from thinking we can create success through our brilliance.
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November 20
Determining one’s peace by others’ responses—especially if I’m trying to manipulate them to act in a certain way—is impossible and unsustainable. My fantasy of creating a world filled with others’ reactions that will bring me peace is dysfunctional and self-centered.
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November 21
Advocated since at least the late nineteenth century, ACTS is an outline many Christians have used to order their prayers. I like it because it includes “thanks” but surrounds it with prayers that make gratitude more than a shallow sentiment or routine.
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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels


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