Sunday review: November 22-27

In a week when many are counting their blessings, this week we’ve concentrated on the believer’s greatest blessings of all. Which of these posts especially increased your gratitude quotient? Maybe you know someone who would be encouraged by that post as well!

November 22
David declared that his hope from now and forevermore would rest in the Lord. And King David called all of God’s children to place their ultimate hope there as well. No human king or leader is worthy of that kind of trust. David knew what Isaiah would declare and Paul would later confirm in Romans. The God of hope can and will fill us with his peace. He will even throw in joy. The power of the Holy Spirit is with us and in us, and because of Jesus, we can have hope now and forevermore.
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November 23
The resurrection of Jesus means that the darkness of our loss will one day be replaced by the full resurrection of our loved ones who have died in Christ. The resurrection of Jesus brings light into our darkness. We will enjoy more sunsets and sunrises. Some now and more forever.
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November 24
“It is good and pleasant when brothers dwell in unity.” God’s great plan since the beginning was that humankind would be united, not just with each other but also with the maker of Heaven and earth.
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November 25
Jesus indicated that without a solid foundation the houses we build will crumble. The apostle Paul picks up this theme several times in his epistles. In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul indicated there is no better foundation for our lives than Jesus. And then he tells us we are the temple where God’s Spirit lives. In the Old Testament God was with his people in the tabernacle and later the temple. But now he lives in us with Jesus as our sure foundation.
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November 26
It is good and life changing to admit or confess that we are sinners, but it is even better when we confess that we know the truth about Jesus: He is not only the Son of the living God but also the one who died on a cross for our sins. He is the one who therefore offers forgiveness and full—even eternal—life.
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November 27
They were praying for God’s work in the world. They were praying for something they knew God wanted to happen. Their prayer was focused on his will, not their own problems. No prayers for Peter and John’s health or sick relatives. No prayers for a “hedge of protection” or “travel mercies.” Theirs was a prayer for boldness to proclaim the truth of Jesus to a hostile world, and the walls trembled as the Holy Spirit gave them power to see their prayer answered.
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Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

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