Sunday review: November 8-13

It’s what’s inside that counts! This week’s posts help each reader do a helpful self-inventory. Which of these has helped you most? Which would bring the largest blessing to someone you know?

November 8
I think Jesus made a point for both his eager new disciples and the tired and self-righteous religious insiders: You cannot have two masters. In this case and in other parables, Jesus was clear that one cannot serve God and money. You have to make a choice. The Pharisees didn’t care for this option. They didn’t really care at all for Jesus who was upsetting their way of life. His light was shining like a spotlight on their inconsistency, and they didn’t like it.
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November 9
We need to share our good news with others. Everyone needs a cool cup of water, and a catch-up call can be life-giving. And while your intentions were to cheer up another, you might be surprised just to find yourself feeling better as well when the call ends.
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November 10
When I read this story I’m reminded that Jesus often noticed and talked about stature. Not a person’s shortness or tallness, but stature in the sense of status. He was quick to point out that in the Kingdom of God we are called to act differently than the world when it comes to status. The last become first. The greatest is to be the servant. And Jesus’ most haunting words have to do with not having divided loyalties. We can’t focus on the things of this world, build bigger storehouses for our stuff, and be wrapped up in our titles while claiming to be followers of Jesus.
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November 11
I’ve eaten a lot of meals anxiously when I failed to let go of control or took on responsibility for things out of my control. My digestion and sleep patterns are much healthier when I remember that God is a much better watchman than I am. Knowing that is one thing but acting on that knowledge is essential. We must actually surrender ourselves, our stuff, our families, and our communities to his authority and control to receive the benefits.
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November 12
One line jumped at me this morning. Jeremiah didn’t use it, but it was implied. Jesus did say these words, and we need to remember them especially on days when things look particularly dark and we are not sure of the outcomes. Here’s what Jesus said: “By your endurance you will gain your lives.” It’s not a line that eliminates faith, but it does remind us that faith is more than words. The application of our faith gives us staying power and will result in resurrection power for us personally and for all who call upon Jesus for salvation.
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November 13
My wife used to call it the Swiss cheese method. Just punch a hole in the job you’ve been dreading. And then another hole next week, and then another. Eventually the dresser drawer will be sorted, the closet will be cleaned out, the old toys will be donated, even if you can’t get it all done today.
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Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

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