Sunday review: October 25-30

Remember. Read again. And share! This week’s posts offer encouragement, help, and challenge.

October 25
I don’t fall in many pits but I do trip from time to time. The bigger problem is the speck in your eye. I can see it pretty quickly. I am good at seeing your weaknesses and maturity issues. I actually did a lot of graduate work in helping people get to the root of their problems. But somedays I could nearly knock you over with the stick in my own eye.  More often than I want to admit, I miss my own blind spots.
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October 26
We sometimes forget that Jesus loves and died for your worst enemy. Jesus wants to extend grace to the person who lied to you, cheated you, and stole your ideas. And this story also suggests that even those people might be watching or noticing when we show faith in God and receive his favor. They might even ask for you to pray for them. What if we prayed for them even if they didn’t ask? What if we showed them forgiveness or surprised them with a blessing? These radical and uncomfortable actions may be just the thing that brings them to repentance.
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October 27
The only way not to get trapped in the pursuit of acquiring more and more stuff is to change our focus. We cannot get there with an occasional glance at God’s Word. As much as I hope you enjoy and benefit from these devotionals I write, your enjoyment is not my goal. My goal is to help you want to read and focus on God’s Word. These devotionals are simply a prompt to direct you to a better world and way of life.
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October 28
Kingdom work is hard to quantify. Sure, you can count church plants and mission trips. You can count Bible translations and baptisms. You can count meals served and medications given. But no matter how you count, you eventually look out and see more needs than you and your church or organization can meet. And all of us eventually will get to an age where we have physical, mental, and financial limitations. We actually always have those, but, eventually we realize them, especially when they become painfully obvious in our later decades of life. These moments may lead to doubts. Did I get it right? Did I do my best? Did I follow what Jesus called me to do?
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October 29
If we want to follow Jesus we will have to learn to slow down and sit with him, to have conversations with Jesus in prayer and absorb his Word. But we also need to be interrupted from our tasks and lists and notice when someone needs our help.
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October 30
All my life I’ve heard leaders decrying the decline of basic Bible knowledge among churchgoers as well as the general population. Could it be this is contributing to the apparent decision by many not to return to church after the long Covid lockdown?
Read more.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

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