Sunday review: September 5-10

It’s all about Jesus in our posts this week! What new have you learned by reading about him here? What old has brought you special comfort?

September 5
Jesus is not only the right theological choice, he is the wisest and the most practical one to turn to in the good times, the hard times, and in all times in between.
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September 6
When we are in the midst of trouble we lean on the promises of God. We offer our struggles as offerings back to God who will receive them, bless them, and turn them into victory and deliverance in due time. When we surrender to Jesus in our good times and our hard times, we will see lives changed, communities restored, and even whole cities rejoicing.
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September 7
His questions caused the listeners to learn, to consider, to wonder, and to realize that he was in fact the Messiah of God. Sometimes Jesus used his questions as a showstopper or reverse power play with those trying to trap him.
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September 8
We are not just to admire Jesus; we are to put on Jesus. We are made righteous before God not to be admired by anyone but rather that we might be an extension of God to those around us.
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September 9
When we partner with Jesus we will experience all of the same things the disciples experienced on their path to obedience and complete and perfect transformation. But just like the disciples we will have to get comfortable that the outcomes are in the hands of Jesus and will not always be immediately visible to us.
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September 10
Isaiah 61 is a favorite of many. It is soothing to read, and it is one of the prophetic passages we can easily understand. Jesus confirmed our interpretation when he stood up in the synagogue in Nazareth and read part of this passage. When he sat down, there was a pregnant pause. As everyone stared at Jesus he said, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing. “ Luke tells us that the crowd marveled at his gracious words.
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Photo by Jon Tyson via

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How to enjoy the rest that will come someday only from our God


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