Without a Savior’s light, the world remains a dark and deceitful place
God’s love and grace are abundant, freely given to us from the fullness of Christ, but they are not meant to be hoarded; instead, we are called to pour out grace and share the light of Christ with those around us.
Flashlights, Hide and Seek, and the Light of God's Word
In hide-and-seek, my grandchildren's joy in being found and their eager pursuit of me offers a beautiful reminder of childlike faith and how we should approach the kingdom of God—full of trust and expectation.
Light and Darkness, Leaven for Evil or Good: Every Believer’s Choice
Ultimately, Luke presents a choice: to embody light and produce good works as a reflection of true faith, or to fall into hypocrisy that tarnishes the message of the Gospel.
As we deal with our troubles, we can point others to God
What if the difficult things we go through and the suffering we experience have something to do with advancing the gospel? Would it stir more resolve and commitment to the places he has put us or to the people we are called to serve?
Houston, we have a problem
It is critical that we look and act differently than the world.
God’s promises, stars in the heavens: more than we can imagine
“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”
He is the light. He is our light. And in his light we find hope
There is good news in these two psalms! We have choices. We can choose to live our lives in the light of Christ and thereby bring others to see and receive the steadfast love of God.
On Christmas Day, we’re beginning to see the promise fulfilled
Merry Christmas from Dean Collins!
Better than a model: four ways I’m trying to be a reflection
Dean asked writers to tell how they’re being a model of their faith. I prefer to think about it in slightly different terms.
God’s magnificent light can shine on others through my life today
The brightness of the stars reminds us of God’s glory he wants us to reflect on others.
Here’s what we sometimes need most to remember: how it all began
Jesus, the Light of the World, who created light from the beginning, will be a presence and power in our lives today.