God: The Beginning, The End, and Everything In Between
As we step into 2025, it’s comforting to remember that God is both the beginning and the end. From the very start of creation to the final chapter of eternity, He is with us.
Transformed by Grace: Embracing the New Creation in Christ
If the love of Christ has transformed us, then we must daily renew our hearts and minds and allow the Holy Spirit to bring to our attention any attitudes, relationships, or thought processes that are not consistent with the mind of Christ.
The God of all creation is not bound to the past as he helps us
Paul Simon might have mused about how one can leave a relationship, but we can rest assured that our God is faithful and true and has more than 50 ways to bring deliverance in our times of great need.
What seemed like the end of the story became a day like no other
They had no idea of the possibilities that would dawn on that day. Could it be that something life-changing is ahead for us today, too?