A Promise to Remember in this New Year
The start of a new year often brings pressure to stick to resolutions, but it's important to remember that we all have weaknesses and are not perfect.
A book with a perfect ending, and it’s good all the way through!
I’ve read the end of both Bible Testaments, and the good news I find there motivates me to savor all of Scripture.
Walls will fall. Let’s get ready to see how God will use us this year
“Every one of us will have a Nehemiah opportunity in the coming months. Let’s prepare now for the task that lies ahead of us.”
I’ll vote for hope! I’ll campaign for peace! I’ll choose God!
There is good news this year! In Psalm 146 and 147 we see many reasons to have hope, and we can gain perspective on where we can and must place our hope, no matter what the candidates tell us.
Hands prepared for battle, ready for trouble, and trained to praise
Just as David wrote that God had prepared his hands for war and his fingers for battle, we can also be prepared for our battles by spending time in prayer, in praise, and even by lifting our hands to God in worship.
From the beginning to the end, we can know our Lord is with us
Knowing that God was at the beginning and will be at the end of our lives, we can be confident he will not abandon us here in the middle.
I’ve found something better than making New Year’s resolutions
A few years ago I began a new practice of picking a few Scriptures to read and pray each day. I have picked as many as seven and as few as two the last few years.
Like a scarlet cardinal on a gray day, God may come and surprise us
God is always at work in places we wouldn’t be looking and in ways we wouldn’t pay attention to.
What will we do with the blank canvas of 2023 that God has given us?
Some daily responsibilities will continue, but we also have new and fresh possibilities for what God can do in us and through us as we offer ourselves and our talents to him.
A new year changes nothing about the God who always was and will be
As we begin this new year, what do you need to let go of or close from last year? What in your life needs to drop in your celebration of 2023’s arrival?
How to do more than simply get through the new year ahead of you
Whether your year will be smooth or riddled with unanticipated trouble, God will provide the resource for choosing the second option.
Christmas is over, but not the work God has for us in the new year
Go ahead and relax now that the Christmas scurry is over. And while you’re resting, think about all God may have for you to do in 2023.