The American Version of Psalm 23
As I read Psalm 23 this morning, it struck me that while this passage is read hundreds of times at funerals every month, I am not sure American culture really buys into the essence of this powerful psalm. American culture leans towards self-sufficiency. We like being the captain of our own ship and tend to rebel against the idea that we need someone else to lead us. Sadly, the following might be more like how many Americans think and act and sadly, sometimes even the Christian community buys into this philosophy.
The secular culture’s psalm 23:
“I am my own boss; I want what I want. Who has time to lie down in the grass, there is work to do and money to be made! Still waters are boring. I want to ride the waves or paddle the rapids. Slowing down and being quiet by still waters probably means I am not getting things done that need to be done. I am fine inside and out. I know the right things to do. I usually put some money in the red kettle at Christmas and contribute to the United Way and sometimes the Red Cross. I don’t need anyone to tell me how to live a righteous life. People are so judgmental. Sure, some things are dangerous, but doing difficult things makes one tough. I am not afraid of anything because I have a better than average ability to think and work. I don’t need anyone to comfort me; I am not a child. I set my own table and because I work hard, I have plenty to eat, and people want to eat with me because of who I am. Good things happen when you work hard, and I will continue to work hard until I have enough of a nest egg that I can do whatever I want the rest of my life. I have a big house, and I want everyone to see what I have accomplished for myself.”
Ultimately, we have to decide whether we accept that the creator of the universe has a better plan or if we feel confident that we in fact do not need a shepherd to guide us. While Psalm 23 does bring comfort when we walk through the grief that comes with the death of a loved one, Psalm 23 is a declaration of life. When we pray this beautiful psalm, we declare that the Lord is all that we need. He is sufficient in every way.
So today pray this prayer as you absorb all that our good shepherd has for you:
Lord, you are my shepherd; in you I have everything I need. You provide rest in the middle of the chaos of life’s storms. You make it possible for me to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly. I want to bring glory to you in everything I do. Even when my days are filled with the darkness that comes with loss, I know that I can trust you to lead me so that I can see the light you bring around me daily. You are my protector and guide. You provide my daily bread even before I ask for it. You have healed my soul and your Holy Spirit continues to minister to all my needs. I am confident that your goodness and mercy are not only with me now but will follow me every step of the way, even till I see you in eternity. Thank you for Jesus, my shepherd. I come to you in his name, amen.
Your Time with God’s Word
Psalm 23:1-6 ESV
Photo by Biegun Wschodni on Unsplash
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