The challenge, the blessing, the duties of living in the light

By Dean Collins

You have to keep the lights on.

Every business needs to understand the basics of what it takes to keep the lights on. There is a minimum requirement of functionality to keep day-to-day business in operation. Sure you need strategy, innovation, growth, and profit, but knowing your minimum requirements simply to stay in business is critical both financially and operationally.

I suspect if you have lived long enough you have experienced that even when you do the basics to keep the lights on, they don’t always shine bright. In your marriage, your family, and the place where you serve and lead, you have discovered that you have dark seasons. Technically things are working, but you find yourself struggling to see a path forward. You find yourself straining to see out of the darkness of whatever tough situation you are experiencing.

Hope for the darkness

The psalmist offers some encouragement for those very moments: “Light dawns in the darkness for the upright” (Psalm 112:4).

I suspect God knew all along that those who trust in him would still experience darkness. And in his graciousness and love, he planted verses of truth for us when we discover what he already knew. A fallen world has a lot of darkness, and people who walk in the light will still experience many days, months, even years where the darkness tries to take over.

We need to remember that God knows a lot about darkness and light. He spoke light into existence. Our loving God brought light to the world through the gift of his Son, Jesus, who declared this truth clearly to those around him during his ministry on earth.

Transformed by the light

Now as the hands and feet of Jesus, we have access to his light and we are to be reflecting his light through the way we live. In Psalm 112 the psalmist continues with things we know to be true and things we are therefore to do. The upright (that’s us) are gracious, merciful, and righteous. That means we can’t be stingy, cruel, and unapproachable. We are also to practice justice. When we are transformed by the light of the world, then our actions should be informed by the mind and love of Christ. We can’t be right with God and simply default to how the world does things.

The Sermon on the Mount, along with all of the teachings of Jesus, calls us to treat all people with love and respect and to care for the most vulnerable as if they were family. The psalmist says God has distributed freely and given to the poor. If we walk in his light, then our behavior should reflect this same grace for those in need.


When the light of God shines on us, it is not simply to put us in a spotlight or a heat lamp enjoying its warmth. Yes, we should receive this marvelous blessing of knowing that bad news won’t overwhelm us and that our hearts can hold steady in the storms and in darkness. But this blessing comes with a responsibility to then behave toward others in need with the same favor God has shown us.

Those who walk contrary to God are filled with anger. Their desires eventually are not satisfied. As people of the light, we must not look or act like those who do not know the light of God’s love.

There is great comfort and encouragement in Psalm 112. Soak it in. But we must remember that we are cared for and blessed not just for ourselves, but also for how we are called to extend God’s blessings to others.

Your time with God’s Word
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭112:4-10‬; John‬ ‭1:4-5‬; 8:12 ‭ESV‬‬

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

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