We may ignore a call, but the psalmist knew God will always answer

By Dean Collins

I have a confession. I seldom answer my phone. I don't think I’ve always behaved this way, but increasingly it’s true. Like you, I can plead I was in the middle of something when you called: a meeting, a seminar, an emergency, at the doctor, watching a grandchild’s school program or ballgame, and on and on. We all have many reasons why we don’t answer.

But if the situation is reversed, well I want you to answer when I call. When I call it’s important. It might be an emergency. It might be helpful information you possess that is critical to a decision I need to make. It might simply be that we haven’t talked in a while and I need to hear my friend’s voice. But I have a need when I call

I guess if it’s really urgent or you didn’t answer, I could drive to your house or office and make a house call. After all, if the need is urgent I need you to answer.

But the reality is that neither one of us can always be available. I know we often tell family and friends to call anytime they have a need. We often use that line when we don’t know what to say to the friend who is grieving or seriously sick. But giving someone permission to call anytime still can’t guarantee our availability when they decide to take us up on our offer.

Always there

But David knew what we know as well. There is one who is always there when we call. Psalm 138: 3 expressed it this way: “On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.”

When David placed his call to God he started the conversation this way: “I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise.”

We don’t know what difficult situation had been resolved in David’s life, but David knew enough about himself and about God to know that in everything it is best for us when we enter God’s presence with thanksgiving in our heart. You and I know the same. Regardless of whatever we are experiencing today, we know and have evidence that God got us through the last thing. We should at least acknowledge that. Sometimes we forget how faithful God is in meeting our needs and sustaining us along with all of his creation.

Always protecting

David ends this potent psalm by affirming God’s preserving presence. “As I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.” When we are surrounded by enemies, God stretches his hands of protection. When we’re uncertain about the outcome, many times it is God who offers his right hand to deliver us.

Reminded of all that God does daily, the psalmist declared that the Lord would fulfill his purpose for him. What a great reminder for us as well. God has a unique purpose for our lives, and he will see it through! Why? Because of his steadfast love which endures forever. Nothing can stop or prevent God from loving us. He loved us so much that he gave his Son in payment for our sins.

There is no way God will ever forsake the work of his hands. Reach out for him today. He is ready to answer your call!

Your time with God’s Word
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭138:1-8‬ ‭ESV

Photo by Marília Castelli on Unsplash

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