What might happen because you decide to obey one, simple nudge?

By Dean Collins

“Go over and join this chariot.”

That’s all the information Philip was given. Earlier an angel had appeared and told Philip to head south. Then the Holy Spirit said simply, “ Go over and join this chariot,” and Phillip obeyed. Next he saw that the person in the chariot was reading a scroll, so he asked him if he was learning anything. The Ethiopian admitted the material was a little challenging and he needed some help. Led by the Holy Spirit, Phillip explained the passage from Isaiah. You likely know the rest of the story. The Ethiopian decided to follow Jesus.

A whole new region would now hear of Jesus because Phillip simply obeyed the nudge and went over to the guy who was sitting there reading. It’s a convicting text.

God will be there

How many times have we been given the nudge and resisted the choice to obey? I can only speak for myself. More than I want to count. But here is the thing. The older I get, the more I’ve discovered that if I go, God will meet me there. But if we don’t take the prompt, we will likely miss out on a God-sized moment in our lives and in the lives of one or maybe many others.

Several years ago I felt the nudge to write a few thoughts from my daily quiet time. I had no background in writing or blogging to speak of, but the little voice said to make this a daily discipline and share it, first with my family and later, others. I have been at it for maybe five years. But I do it because I got the prompt to go over to my iPad, read the Scriptures, and write my thoughts. And responses from readers indicate God is using my obedience.

I’ve heard from a CEO who read that day’s devotion and sent it to all of his employees.
I’ve heard from an executive who has used this content to lead her small group Bible study with other leaders in her city.
I’ve learned of a reader who for years printed out the devotion and shared it with friends who aren’t online.
I’ve heard about a woman in a closed country who gets it from another reader and responds to the message each day.
I’ve heard from some deep in grief who found comfort from one day’s devotional.
I’ve heard from a parent who received guidance on a marital situation.
I’ve had ministry leaders share the content with their church during a particular sermon or series.
I’ve heard of some who used the content to start a conversation with someone who doesn’t know Jesus.

I really don’t know the full impact of any of these and other examples, but I know that none of this would have happened if I hadn’t responded to the nudge from the Holy Spirit.

Pay attention to the prompts

The point of this is not to say, ” Look at the great thing I’m doing.” It is just an example of a simple offering. What God does with it is his business and for his glory.

Here is my challenge to you. Pay attention to the prompts from the Holy Spirit. You have no idea what God might do in the life of another person or even a whole city because of your faithfulness.

Go over to someone’s chariot today.

Your time with God’s Word
‭‭Acts‬ ‭8:26-39 ‭ESV

Photo by Caroline Romano on Unsplash

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