Do you need me to write you a letter of recommendation?
Sometimes the people we’ve influenced tell what a future employer needs most to know about us.
Coping with the stress when you’re outside your comfort zone
We may feel we’ve gone too far when we travel to “the end of the earth.” And then we realize that God may have placed us exactly where he wants us.
How to avoid the Enemy’s aim
Every leader has a target on his back. And every Christian realizes Satan is aiming to destroy.
Ever question God’s call?
Ever say, “Here I am, Lord” and then regret the task he called you to? Then maybe you can empathize with Ananias.
The best gift you can give your kids
“We’re doing it for the kids.” But sometimes we can do too much. Sometimes they need something different than what we try too often to give them.
God’s plan for banishing the darkness
When will the light come on? Banishing darkness seems easy until we consider all God has to say about light and dark.
All God offers, what God wants
Satisfaction—a lifelong pursuit—may seem impossible, but God’s invitation is deceptively simple.
In their tension, they trusted God
Culture change has been with us since the time of ancient Israel. One story from the church’s beginnings shows effective strategy and a heavy price.
Why we serve in and through the tension
Tension and conflict have been part of the human story since creation. Believers today dare not be dissuaded when faced with conflict because of their faith.
Would you give him an interview?
Isaiah’s description of Jesus would never make it on a job application. But his words explain why Jesus accomplished what we need most.
Loss is clarifying, but . . .
In our seasons of transition and uncertainty we must remember we are God’s treasured possession. God will provide a way forward.
Maybe it’s you
The first step to being a servant is to become a learner. Maybe the servant Isaiah describes is you.
Look back but don’t remember
Isaiah told his people to remember the past . . . and to forget it for the sake of the better future God had in store for them. We do well even today to follow the same direction.
In the silence we might discover a friend
God is available to meet you in the silence. It is there that you might just hear him call you his friend.
The confrontation of silence
Silence is hard to describe and sometimes difficult to experience. But in the noise we will never hear the voice of God.
Have you not heard?
Let’s step away from the angry debates about the next Supreme Court nomination and agree on our higher Authority.
Variety is the spice of life
Some folks are content with the same meal, same routine, same clothes, and the same friends. On the other hand, variety can spice things up.
Learning what we must know
The disciples were slow learners, just like we are. How long will it take for us to learn the lesson Jesus was teaching during his final night on earth?
Releasing the Power
The scribes and Pharisees played a power game with Jesus. But he confounded them all by pointing to a widow who gave up everything.