How living with God and for God can be the ultimate trust fall
When it comes to the ultimate tests of life, our own understanding sometimes leaves us staring at a blank page or worse, a cliff that suggests danger. Solomon suggests a better way.
Undivided attention, uncompromised commitment, unwavering obedience
If we are to follow Jesus, then we must be willing to give him our undivided commitment. There can be no exceptions.
How to be noticed by others and influence change that matters
First preached to a largely Jewish audience, the Sermon on the Mount has pointed implications for the believer’s life today.
Dysfunctional family, gracious God, faithful walk, spiritual forbears
It is still God’s plan to use broken folks like us—and like those in today’s Bible stories—to share the story of redemption and transformation with those we meet every day.
God’s magnificent light can shine on others through my life today
The brightness of the stars reminds us of God’s glory he wants us to reflect on others.
The reruns in scripture help me avoid repeating mistakes myself
I want to learn from all of the reruns of scripture and find ways to correct my mistakes and fully embrace the goodness of God today and every day.
Three small words demonstrate our faith and direct our faithfulness
When God calls us, it’s not because he’s misplaced us. God calls to check our availability and even to see if we are ready to move another step closer in our journey of discipleship and maturity.
God’s power, our surrender, and the blessing sure to follow
When God gives us a mission, he accomplishes it because we continued to surrender to him and depend on him.
How do I decide if the “Go” I’m hearing has really come from God?
I do not think we always know in every detail of every day that God is or isn't specifically directing us. What I hope to learn and encourage you to consider is how to involve God more and more in all decisions and at the same time have confidence in his provision.
We need more than one kind of nourishment if we are to thrive for God
There is no balance to preparation for dealing with the enemy. And there is also no balanced approach when it comes to our reliance on God to meet our needs.
What are you watching? And what do you expect to happen as a result?
John the Baptist denounced the religious leaders because they were watching for all the wrong reasons. Could we be guilty of the same?
The story of Abram is our lesson in the blessing of obedience
Much about this story raises questions. But much about this story also takes away all of our excuses and simply challenges us to take a step of obedience.
Whether or not your tree is down, God’s offer to you remains
Some find any celebration of Jesus as little more than an irritant. But for us who believe, Christmas is only the beginning of his offer to us.
Having trouble getting to sleep? The psalmist settled on a solution
“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.”
What will we do with the blank canvas of 2023 that God has given us?
Some daily responsibilities will continue, but we also have new and fresh possibilities for what God can do in us and through us as we offer ourselves and our talents to him.
A new year changes nothing about the God who always was and will be
As we begin this new year, what do you need to let go of or close from last year? What in your life needs to drop in your celebration of 2023’s arrival?
How to do more than simply get through the new year ahead of you
Whether your year will be smooth or riddled with unanticipated trouble, God will provide the resource for choosing the second option.
The best advice for those with needs unmet in 2022: Wait on the Lord
I have lost track of how many of the prophets told us to wait for the Lord, look for the Lord, be silent before the Lord, make our complaint to the Lord, and other similar messages.
Why trying to lock the door against stress is not the answer
I often experience significant stress. There are times I feel like I am locked in, locked out, and locked down. And in moments like these, there is only one who can bring me peace.
How Job’s questions—and God’s—shed light on what we’re asking
Anyone feeling up to tackling some of Job’s questions? Those who will may find answers for the dilemmas in their own lives.