King of kings and Lord of Lords. He shall reign forever. Hallelujah!
What an amazing Savior and King we have! We can sing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and sense his closeness or listen to “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and imagine the strength and power of Almighty God.
What’s true today has been true for centuries: hard times will come
In the last days there will come times of difficulty, Paul told Timothy. It may be tempting to think Paul is giving Timothy a hint about when Christ will return, but to do that is to misinterpret Paul’s teaching.
What’s true about trees is vital for the growing believer to remember
Many of the fascinating facts I learned about trees come back to me whenever I think about staying connected to God.
Even if you’re not a morning person, early is the time to praise God
Psalm 92 says, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to your name.” And in the very next verse, the psalmist tells us to bring these songs of praise in the morning.
Scriptures to bring us calm, banish fear, and build our trust
Maybe it’s because we are in the middle of football season and at the beginning of basketball season that 2 Timothy chapter 1 strikes me as a bit of a half-time locker room talk.
Time flies for all of us, and Paul tells us how to use it best
The familiar idiom is, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” But sometimes time also flies when there is so much to do! Paul admonished his readers to “make the best use of the time.”
Rejoicing and gratitude? Sometimes they require an act of the will
I memorized this passage when I was 18. I have sung it, quoted it, and prayed it hundreds of times over the decades. Yet I still often struggle with living it out.
The lamentations of the ages, the believer’s hope for tomorrow
Jeremiah points us to a time when God would write on man’s hearts and no longer on tablets of stone. But for now, we are still living in exile.
A messy model of prayer for all who have daily needs for grace
I find great comfort in David’s prayer in this psalm because it is a prayer more similar to how I pray. Our honesty with self and with God is a healthy place to begin any prayer.
God heard the prophet, and he can handle our complaints, too
Go ahead and complain. God can handle it, and in the process you might gain insight and experience some relief.
A caution for the times we’re tempted to claim bragging rights
God smiles when he sees his children come to the understanding that he is the source of all we have.
‘Faithless charms’ dangle before us, but only one love endures
The problem of God’s children all through history has been believing we can figure out a better path than the one God will show us.
Sticks and mud. Potter and clay. Pictures to prompt reflection
Our surrender to God’s plans results in a demonstration to the world of God’s surpassing power at work in us.
Through the ages, God’s people have looked to him for stability
A prophecy and a promise that brings comfort for us as well as for ancient believers: “And he will be the stability of your times.”
What are you wearing? Is it about what’s really most important?
Confused about what to wear? The apostle Paul adds some clarity for everyone seeking to walk in accord with Christ.
Finding comfort in the Scripture’s promise: Someone knows our name!
God will meet us in the silence. He will receive our tears as worship. He will sustain us and strengthen us when we go to him with hands lifted up and offer the simple prayer, “Help me, Lord.”
In suffering, distress, and desperation, we lift our pleas to God
Our God is a God of strength and power. He is fully able to do great things and has done them time and time again. Believing this, we pray, “How long, O Lord, must this continue?”
What really counts most? It’s not about the numbers, but the names
In our data-driven world, we do well to pray for others specifically, one by one.
The rest of the story: ‘And you shall love your neighbor as yourself’
We are eager to utter urgent prayers for the Lord’s help. Sometimes his answer includes, “Look at your neighbor in need.”
Scripture affirms that God is not too far to hear or too busy to help
“I call to God, and the Lord will save me. Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he hears my voice.“