Live your life modeled after Christ
When God reveals himself through his word and we follow his guidance, we abide with him and have his blessing.
How great a debt Jesus paid
Paul said it well: All have sinned and fallen short. And thank God for our current season of the year, where we consider the great price Jesus paid on the cross so that every sinner can have their sins forgiven.
Review your spiritual disciplines
The Pharisees asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was, and he answered:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And Jesus then added a second command: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
God is worthy of all praise
God is both the creator of all things but also the sustainer of all things.
Our good shepherd
The Lord, our shepherd, will meet us and get us through every situation.
Remember God is present
It is important to speak scripture to ourselves so that we correct our thinking and remember God’s promises.
Follow Jesus instead of trying to lead Jesus
When we surrender everything to God, he will not only accomplish his will in our lives; but he will also bring us full and abundant joy.
Trusting Jesus to meet our needs
Our best prayer is that God's will may be done on earth as it is in heaven, and that He helps us to live lives that reflect our submission to His will.
Where we choose to focus our minds makes a difference
God is always watching over us and working things out for our good.
Our bodies have expiration dates, but God’s Spirit in us does not.
Jesus has forgiven our sins, filled us with his Spirit, and desires to use us to extend his kingdom until he comes to renew all things.
Choose to look to God
God hears our prayers, and he will answer them. He is faithful every time.
The reality and the fallacy of not having enough
There really is never a situation or a moment where God cannot deliver more than enough to meet our deepest needs.
Surrender to God and to God’s assignments for your life
Whatever God calls us to do today, may we humbly accept his assignment.
They couldn’t check the weather channel
When we trust Jesus fully, he will not only bring us through each storm, but he will also use us to show the world that He is fully alive and active as he uses us to reveal Christ to others through our faithfulness.