Sunday review


Read, remember, share these quotes from last week’s posts.

Click “MORE” to see each whole entry.

October 12

We need not fear, because we know God is always at work. We aren’t lost, because God knows our name and our place. We need not worry about what to do or where to go, because God has made a way in our wilderness. We won’t face condemnation, because God has paid the price for our sins.

October 13

Every time we love another person, we look face-to-face with Jesus.

October 14

As long as I’m convinced I’m right, in the right, and defender of the right, it’s difficult to learn from God. Repentance of our rebellious nature is a must if you want the tongue of one who has been taught by God.

 October 15
The best time for faithfulness is in this moment, not only if God performs to our liking.

 October 16
Jesus wasn't the only one to suffer. He said that in this world we will have suffering, too, and some days we see a lot of it. Just as he was faithful in taking our sins to the cross, he is faithful in standing with us in all of our suffering.

October 17
Anyone who has sought self-worth in personal accomplishment will testify that this always becomes a losing battle.

Photo by Varun Gaba on Unsplash


Why we serve in and through the tension


Why we should embrace our grief