Sunday review: April 25-30

What is the constant in your life? After a while, most realize they can find it only in God. Daily pondering his Word can help. And this week’s posts open the door for your discovery of his will and his ways.

April 25
I suspect we are moving more and more toward following the traditions of men over the kingdom of God. And the problem of following the traditions of men today is that traditions fall quickly and shift based on what is trending on social media in a given season.
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April 26
Part of our spiritual growth includes understanding that, in addition to the natural talents we may possess, we now receive various spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit. These gifts are given to be used for kingdom purposes. Our spiritual gifts have been given for the benefit of the whole, and not to be hoarded or focused on self-satisfaction.
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April 27
Many in current culture think following Jesus results in a rigid and oppressive way of life. Some will likely think us irrelevant if we insist on choosing the way of Jesus over the way of the world. But Jesus said the cost of choosing the world is ultimate rejection when he returns in his final act of worldwide transformation. It is a costly decision to choose the world over choosing Jesus.
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April 28
One day we will sit together in eternity and laugh about the unnecessary anxiety we sometimes felt. One day we will shake our heads at the oddity of thinking that we had the brilliance to solve problems and meet human need through argument. One day we will see him face-to-face and be fully known. One day love will remain, and old arguments will fade away.
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April 29
What we often cannot see is that God is at work even in our sorrow and grief. He is acting on the prayers others have spoken on our behalf when our prayers were merely groans of desperation. We cannot possibly see and know the story God has begun as the page turns to a new chapter of our life.
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April 30
Jesus means, simply, that forgiveness must not end. Perhaps we have never been confronted 490 or even 77 times with the same sin from the same person, but most of us would not tolerate either number without giving up on the offender. But the command of Christ is a challenge to more than forgiveness for notable transgressions. I believe Jesus here is setting the standard for patient, persistent, daily grace.
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Photo by Nicola Barts at Pexels

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How one action-packed chapter leads me to reflect on today


How everyday forgiveness can help us cope with everyday life